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Tips to Find Unauthorized Activity on Your Email Account

Do you suspect that your email account is under attack? Do you wantto maintain total security of your email account and make it 100% hackproof? Well, Some times our email account might have got hacked and wemay not be aware of that. We may believe that our email account issafe, but in reality our private and confidential information may befalling into the hands of a third person.

 Here are some signs of unauthorized activity on an email account.
1. Your new emails are marked as Read even if you’ve not read them.
2. Your emails are moved to Trash or even permanently deleted without your notice.
3. Your emails are being forwarded to a third party email address (check your settings->forwarding).
4. Your secondary email address is changed.
If you come across any of the above activities on your emailaccount, then it is a clear indication that your email account ishacked.

Additional Security Features in Gmail to ensure the Safety of your Account
Gmail provides an additional security feature to protect your emailaccount through the means of IP address logging. That is, Gmail recordsyour IP address every time you login to your Gmail account. So, if athird party gets access to your account then even his/her IP is alsorecorded. To see a list of recorded IP address, scroll down to thebottom of your Gmail account and you’ll see something like this.

You can see from the above figure that Gmail shows the IP address of last login (last account activity). You can click on Detailsto see the IP address of your last 5 activities. If you find that theIP listed in the logs doesn’t belong to you, then you can suspectunauthorized activity.

Steps to be carried out to stop unauthorized activity on your email account
If you feel/suspect that your account is hacked then you must immediately take the actions mentioned below
1. Change your Password
2. Change your security question.
2. Remove any third party email address (if any) to which your account is set to forward emails.
3. Make sure that you can access the email account of your secondary email address.
4. Also change you secondary email password and security question.
This ensures that your account is safe from future attacks.

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